
Tonberrys that drag massive, star sized, 4k, testicles behind them.

They are going to head a new studio that only develops loot boxes.

This is as good a prediction as any, but you mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger - I’m psyched up for the nude enemies mod.

“Local area man found dead in his home. Crime scene investigators have determined that the victim was shot while charging a home intruder with a ninja sword. Victim’s neckbeard, while unusually thick, was insufficient to stop the gunfire.”

Incorrect. It should be Winter 2017 as you label the season year the year it begins, not the year it ends. Winter 2018 suggests you are referring to December 21, 2018. Unless you are suggesting SteamWorld came out December 2018?

Oh look, the first Final Fantasy that I can guarantee that I’ll actually finish.

“Oh that would be a nice keepsake...”

That chocobo with four legs continues to put me ill at ease.

Hear, hear. Bad Company 2 is the definitive Battlefield title for me. I still enjoy BF4 and BF1, and used to love 1942 and Vietnam, but Bad Company 2 multiplayer just clicked for me.

Honestly that’s exactly what I was hoping for too. I wanted him to have hired his friends as actors to wear barista outfits.

Aww, I thought this was going to be a lot more interesting. Like a guy actually did all the work to create branding, hired actors, staged a storefront for a day, etc. just to establish credibility. And then actually pulled it off, until some developer happened to catch them in a lie or was local to the area and knew

Umm... What happened here? lol

I actually thought that guy resembled the sorrow:

I don’t buy it. There seems to be more than one, and it certainly doesn’t explain the giant Lovecraftian hand monsters. I’m going to chalk this up to a Psycho Mantis shaped “Jesus in the Toast” situation.

I thought the point was that there were a lot of those creatures?

No Danny DeVito, no buy >:(.

Observation: You obviously missed the most worthwhile character, Meatbag.

I’ve heard!! I did a bunch of the high-level hunts and then got distracted with other games. I’m going to try and go back soon. I tried to avoid any information on it whatsoever and haven’t even been able to find it in game yet.

Everyone know’s that the Cat was the power behind the throne.