
Come on... He’s obviously Boo. The only known miniature giant space hamster in Realmspace.


Story and base gameplay is good, but there’s massive loading times and combat can be a bit like a glitchy Dark Souls at times.

Came here to say exactly this.

...Why is the Sun Visor on your body rather than your head?

Now playing

Couldn’t help but think of this entire scene:

100% thought this was going to be another of those games where you pay money to unlock random characters from a full series of games to play a very mediocre time-locked bastardisation of said series’ genre.
(EDIT: read - “gacha”).

I miss XIII

Excellent, many thanks. Time for some extra-curricular reading!


Isn’t compatible with Razer phone... Huh... :’(

I dunno, he did meet with 12 men to discuss what to do about women’s health and body autonomy, so...


Triple Artillery is my fave combo.

And I’m all out of Source Arrays.

I should hope so! Otherwise Sony’s “never seen a game made faster” quote might not be as impressive as first thought.

“Out in 2045".

Honestly, I was chuckling at the other things, but I think this is the one mod I’d actually install. That explains why they walk so slow! It’s painful!

OK, how about:

“It’s not a good Metal Gear game”.

Though from what a lot of people are saying, it’s not a good game in general because it actually is quite boring and tedious.

A great and possibly easy solution would be to incorporate what they already do with the HP/Stamina bar when out of combat, except with everything.

Just hold L1 (or comparable button) to show all info.