
Prove who does what? I still can’t tell if you’re arguing that famous people *do* cheat, or if famous people *don’t* cheat.

You’re saying you refuted that fame makes infidelity impossible, but are also trying to say that famous people don’t cheat on their spouses.

What I’m saying is there are lots of famous people who

Screw the rules, he has money!


Also, Halo is an pretty cool guy. Eh fights aliens and doesn’t afraid of anything.

What argument? And all you did was say some famous people don’t cheat, that’s kind of the opposite of proving that fame doesn’t stop you from cheating.

And plenty more do.

It was more the floating in from the top of the screen...I think that might be Mads’ character though, as he did the same “shh” pose as the 2nd trailer!

Came here to ask exactly that. What the hell happened. “Ash’s Acid Adventure”

That’s all the “invisible” enemies there, the ones that float at the end of this and the original trailer. The one closest to Psycho Mantis was the guy in a hazard suit that told them to shoosh floating down from the top.

I love Dragon’s Dogma, but couldn’t stand anything that Elex had to offer. They’re not really mutually exclusive. Elex actually made me angry that I installed it.

The little literal last second hook-shot Tracer kill here will always be my fave:

“I’m pretty fuckin‘ far from Takei”

The feeling of completing the secret dungeon for the first time was worth the price of the game for me, to be honest!

Honestly “Level 5 Goose Warning” would be an amazing name for it.

My grandfather oft regaled tales about the German soldiers with superhuman skin, who’d take buckshot to the head point-blank and still manage to walk it off. I never believed him until I played the historical archive that is Call of Duty: World War II.

That’s beautiful.

Was gonna reply, but “thethinwhiteduke” and “MattimusPrime” got me covered.

Well a bunch of those guys were making Abzu for 3 years, so I guess it depends on who was left!

Still not able to connect to any matches.
“Potential Matches ~47" constantly.

That’s been over a day that it can’t find a match.
Always up to 50 potentials, but just sits there for hours connecting to nothing.
On the up side, I’m now not bad at the shooting range.