
Skyrim on the toilet.
I’ve dreamed of this day.

It was amazing.

Took me around 3 hours the first time, then once I’d finished, I managed to take off and crash into a mountain, losing the progress.

Second time took me just over 1 hour, which I’m proud of.

Wish I could just keep doing it, or it had a reset button on the outside!

The PSP one was one of my fave games for that console.
This one any good, other than the awesome creator?

He was ambidextrous in Links Awakening, that’s good enough for me to know he can choose whatever hand he damn well pleases.

Apology accepted. Now if you’ll excuse me, got me some creepin’ to do!

Isn’t this the start of “Five Nights at Freddy’s”?

As a creep that wants to invisibly cause havoc and steal things without spying on people, I take offence to this.

Might have cried a little.

That was beautiful and exciting, brought a tear to my eye.
Where do they get these writers? I wish this was the final game.

Haha :’) haha

Uplink is still one of my favourite games ever. Fantastic soundtrack as well!

That’s pretty much green. I am disappointed. I wanted Alternate Original Gameboy Yellow.

If you stay still in tall grass and leaves/bushes, it counts as out of sight.

Missed that opportunity to *flail.

All I’m saying is there better be some Army Uniform Robotnik goodness, and not some other arbitrary shoehorned baddy.

Minish Cap timeline, confirmed!

What I think they should have done is have an option - like a combination of Naked Snake fixing his broken bones etc, and the actual Cooking system within BotW - that allows you to fix/repair (either with small, full, or extra durability) your weapons and equipment, though only out of battle.

Maybe for wood etc it can

Certainly feels like a continued Twilight Princess timeline, what with all the “technology”.

But I also agree that a converged timeline sounds the best.

The beautiful lush landscape of Notbolivia.