
It may have been on PC, however the lighting system changed dramatically in all platforms which is the main graphical change people were surprised about when the final release came out.

It's mainly because Bud, although not great, is about 5million times better than our home lager.

Eva though these puns are hilarious, I'm un-Goebbels to let this go any Fuhrer.

Chiller font.

One of the key problesm with the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset is that it completely obscures the wearer's vision, making it impossible to play Game Boy while wearing it — until developer Shane O'Brien came up with this clever fix.

ST:O too...


You must be happy then.
I prefered 1.0, I think they over simplified with ARR.

Well if that's what it is, then that's what it is.

I must have been one of the only ones that preferred pre-ARR XIV.

Yes, my comment came out wrong.
It was mainly there to illustrate my.creating a game-based reference for the story.

Of course.

This is a game site, damn it.

The last two are already made.

True Neutrizzle.

That'd be an awesome concept for how the gel originated. You're a creature that pukes repulsion gel, escaping from Aperture captors.

So, Drawn to Life for PC?

Amazing. Renegade was one of my favorite games (despite the masses hating it).

"My dad works for Nintendo so I get all the games before they come out."

You mean 'future mission' surely, Konami...