
I don't understand.

How about a country known for GTA?

Especially since it was meant to be erotic.

They are quite powerful, yes, perhaps.

Best part.

Didn't I say that?

How about a New 52 ED-209 Joker.

Wears Joker's face and fires crowbars instead of bullets?

lul wot, kick fag lel

I dunno, Beibs being beaten to death by a crowbar while Mr. J gets his laugh on sounds pretty good to me.

That was a surprisingly well made trailer.

No, no, I understand.

The land should be layered, this should be a tiny cliff not just a wall.

And Scotland will welcome you, the best pokémon in existence.

As a Scot, that actually phonetically reads out in an English accent there.


From the video, it looks as if it's using 3D models on a 2D camera, and with certain shaders to make it look as if it's just a cartoony 2D side-scroller.