
Post, Double-Post, Multi-Post, Ultra-Post...

It didn't call itself Marvel Diablo. Mike Fahey did.

I don't know about anyone else, but all I saw in this post was FAGot, FAGoT, FAGoT...

Blech, iOS.

My guess is it keeps everyone from beginning until everyone else connected has loaded up too. Some people have terrible connections.

Took the words out of my mouth.

...To knitting school!

Mmph mmph mmph mph, mmph mph mph mmmmmmph!

The more you know.


Just the guards, running is a gift.

My guess is that's why he's shooting and not looting.


After that fiasco with the knee-based trajectory of a certain projectile, I'd be surprised if anyone ever in the history of mankind would want to willingly speak with a guard again.


Is it just me, or is almost every new browser game featured on Kotaku recently to do with virtual cards?

Oh my days, that's a lot of "China".

"Documentaries are not necessarily unbiased. A documentary can absolutely be meant to have a point or a purpose beyond informing."

Or why not make the control scheme like the DS Zelda games?

I thought Shadows of the Damned was the weakest of the Suda51 games (though the premise and soundtrack were rather brilliant).