
Except for Sony didn't make people rebuy digital content to play it on different devices

See we on Kotaku aren't just whiners we can actually help people too :p

Isn't that sort of bullshit that you have to rebuy your VC games? That would be like if sony made me rebuy digital ps1/psp games to play them on my vita

Fuck, now I have to get a wii u.

I'm sure you never played m rated games as a kid

Nice with this, Soul Hackers and Etrian Oddysey 4 I may have to start playing my 3ds XL again.

where the hell are the VC games? Also they need to make them crossbuy with the 3ds.

I got excited thinking it was coming to psn in America. Yeah I know stupid me.

yeah I thought about that after I typed it <.< Was hoping no one would call me out on it

I wouldn't exactly call Dark Void "awesome". If Capcom would just give me a proper RE and Megaman game they'd get back in my good gracious. Why wont you let me like you capcom?

I'm a vita owner and I want to get this. People always complain about vita not having enough games and when games get announced for it people crap all over the game for being on the vita. Such a vicious cycle.

If anything the new dante is more anime than the old one.

I'm a bit iffy on how easy it would be to keep my downloaded games if something were to ever happen to my system.

I watched the OG beyblade and the main character was actually the champ and I really liked it. It would be cool to see ash as the champ and to have one of his friends trying to take him down.

I don't see how that title is misleading because that is exactly what happened. All anyone has to do is read the article to figure out the events.

Did you read the story because they never said it was wrong. Heck even one of the employees said if he were in their position he'd probably have fired himself too.

Yeah I think I have as many ps1 titles as ps2 titles also. Oh what is that game between Front Mission 4 and Final Fantasy 12

I've got about 150 ps2 games and I still have my ps2 slim hooked up to my tv. Also i'm thinking of buying a new ps2 so I can have it when this one inevitably dies. Ps2 has become one of my most favorite systems of all time next to the ps1 and gamecube. I'm saddened to see it go as games this generation don't seem to

Here's my contribution. I'm sorry :P

Why would you draw attention to this filth