
heavy rain has input with nearly everything having some form of interaction and you have a goal to find a killer. Also your actions directly influence the way the game turns out. If that is not a game I dont know what is.

I still dont understand why nintendo doesnt release all the VC games on the 3ds along with the wii


I was just about to ask wasnt that game going F2P......Get out of my head D:

excuse me sir but silent hill 2 & 3 are both AA games in my eyes. Good day to you.

its because they didn't have access to complete version of the games. You'd think publishers would keep stuff like that stored. Especially since rerealese weren't that uncommon.

if you could afford to spend 3.5 million arent you already living the "american dream?"

I tried going to the steam folder and launching the games but it would just try to launch steam. Do you need to go to the steamapps folder

As someone who's internet was down and was unable to play any of my steam games because of it, i'd rather not have anymore software tied to that. I mean whats the point of having an offline mode if you have to be online to activate it.

I was excited for this game but it seems like all they are interested in is seeing how badly they can hurt lara. Why have they not shown any puzzles or exploration. And for God's sake lara doesnt need to moan every 5 steps that shit is annoying.

oh god, kill it with fire

Those pictures are disturbing

Ico and shadow of the colossus collection is well worth $30

that looks generic as shit

mos retail games are $29.99 - $39.99 in store with Uncharted being the ONLY exception. With most on the digital store costing about $5 cheaper. Also if you buy online you can find games for a lot cheaper. I think soundshapes comes out tuesday and its $15 (you get both vita/ps3 with a 1 time purchase. while i do wish

i'm not saying sony hasn't been incompetent when handling the vita. That is a story for another day. wonderbook instead of vita at E3, really?

the vita is longer than the 3ds but it is actually a bit slimmer.

but even that is subjective since lots of adults own iphones/androids and play games on it. Also which console has a better library is entirely up to the individuals taste. I own both a ps vita and 3ds. I bought them both at launch yet I still prefer to game on my vita over my 3ds.

if that's the case shouldnt the same thing be said about the 3ds

I always found this argument to be stupid. the whole point of portables in the first play was so that you could play console like games on the go. If people didn't want to play console games on a handheld why do people get excited when gta 3 comes to ipad, or when legend of zelda OOT/starfox came to the 3ds? The same