
What proof do you have of this. I've watched over his presidency and I haven't seen were he's tried to take away people's guns. You obviously dont know how much sway the NRA has over our political system. That or you really dont care and just believe anything someone tells you about someone you dont like. I'd like to

Tell me how many laws got enacted after Gabby Gifford was shot in the head and that little girl was murdered. None were. I find it funny how people say Obama is going to take away our guns because he hasn't taken away our guns. Just say that out loud to yourself and let it sink in on how stupid it sounds. It'll be

Will there be an Assassins Creed 3 & Liberation bundle. That way when you buy 1 you get both. I'd be willing to buy something like that for say $80. You could make something like the online pass like when you buy the game and then input the code using an in game menu to verify you bought the game and lets you download

Now playing

If it's made like this it'll be one of the greatest things ever made. Damnit why cant real movies be this good

Oh god my wallet is not ready D:

Now playing

Not to mention the Atlus sale going on. I'm up to my armpits in rpg goodness. Not to mention I just snagged Shining the Holy Ark at a decent price. Now if only I could get Magic Knight Rayearth at a decent price.

it's a vnc app made using the ps suite. Think of it as son'y app store answer

My Vita has too man games atm.....I'm dreading what will happen when the flood gates open and i can play my ps1 games on my vita.

I own like 3 different version of Deus Ex and All the Original Phantasy Star games :|

get persona 3. it's only $10

there are a lot more atlus games on sale right now.

this is what happened to me. It wouldnt let me go into offline mode becasue it wouldnt let me log in -_-

except the only benefit with companies like EA only go towards EA. I like having physical games because I dont have to worry about downloading super huge files in the future. Also there are benefits to the consumer not having to depend on an internet connection to play your legally bought games. I just look at Diablo

this is the same company that said that steam was hurting the industry.

oh, wow how did I miss that. I meant clock tower 3

I was actually having the problem of not being bale to get into any rpgs then I played Radiata Stories last night and found out how awesome it is. I like all the humor in it. People really should check it out. Also I played some cock tower 3 last night. That game is really good so far.

Anybody knows how much Jet grind radio will be on the vita. I think I'll buy a bunch of their games just because they like them.

you never know, sega might be more willing to take a risk with download titles.

that's disappointing to me as I still love my gamecube. Just played some soul calibur 2 a couple of days ago.