
uh dude thats sick. I'm sure if you show most people what it looks like to see a picture of a real person that has been maimed and dead they wouldn't feel that way.

Is it weird that I find god of war to be too violent but not Soul Sacrifice. I guess its more of when like a guy is dead but the game is still forcing me to do over the top violent things to the guy for "fun" just feels sort of sick to me.

well to be fair those westerns aren't really realistic to what it would be like to shoot someone with a shotgun

thats what you get for leaving cat food out....... :V

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This has been something that has bothered me for a while. I haven't been able to really play any of the God of War games because I find them to be too violent even though I own them all. Also I really don't like seeing a super detailed person getting their throat slashed in front of my face. Ans yes I do realize the

Oh I'd love a vita release of SC and corpse party

Man I love DOA over Street Fighter. I'll wreck someone with hitomi/kasumi. I've just always been better with 3d fighters.

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I dont know if its a manga but everyone should watch gokusen. Both the anime and the live action show.

The difference here is you actually have another copy of the game. What you are talking about would be something similar to remoteplay. Both of which have their pros and cons

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wasnt ruin also doing this. what the hell happened to that game

Man we are exactly the opposite. I hated peacse walker on my psp go but i love playing through ps1 games on it.

I think the only way that would really work if but copies were digital. Something like you pay 50 instead of $35 and you get both games.

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I think games like this would also benefit from remoteplay. Here's a video of me showing how well remoteplay works on the vita.

they already do that with smaller games like hustle king and motorstorm. The best I could see if them giving you a discount when purchasing both of them.

How would that even work? Do you not realize how much it costs to make games. I can see getting a discount if you buy both versions but I dont see getting a version for free unless its a small game.

Meh $40 for 4 amazing games is not a bad deal. Plus I already have peace walker and I don't really like it. I dont see why everyone wants it. Besides the 3ds port was $40 and it was just for 1 game.

I had no idea that this was a thing...........weird lol

I have silent hill 2 on ps2 but its scratched to hell so I cant lay it. So I decided that instead of getting a new copy I'd get the silent hill collection D: anyway i've only played about 45 minutes of 2 but I love silent 1 and 3

SH HD collection is a buggy mess. As a rabid Silent Hill fan even I couldn't play them. If you really want to play them get the ps2 versions. Or better yet play Silent Hill 1 its still amazing though you may need a game guide.

So its occured to me that I haven't read a book in a long time. Can someone recommend me something. Hopefully something with a lot of action in it though I do like survival stories too.