
I don't understand what everyone is arguing about. Both sides are completely full of shit and if you think otherwise you are just fooling yourself. People like to say it democrats fault or its republicans fault when you realize that both sides have blame in the mess we are in. And I somehow doubt with our corrupt

Why is nintendo not making a new pokemans snap with this controller?

I so want this. but make the buttons like the orginal gamecube controller wit the giant A. Makes me want to break out Soul calibur 2

This would make an excellent boss

Sweet lord that is amazing. That font in the background.

hopefully we gett all new worlds in kingdom hearts 3 instead of places we've already been.

If you remember let me know so I can play it..............for research purposes :B

I wouldn't hold out on Anarchy Reins coming out anywhere but Japa. Also has Nintendo said anything about region lock on the wii u.

I was about to get excited then i realized that last resort was wii only. Come on nintendo will this stuff ever be playable on the 3ds

what ipad do you have? I tried playing a nes emulator on my ipad first gen and the sound is always screwed up

or you can be like me and go to yard sale and find a snes for $5. They had two. I probably should have gotten them both.

yeah i've tried nes emulators on an ipad. Thats not something to brag about

but does the sound suck like on every other knockoff nes/snes/genesis

I've tried playing many rpg's on my ipad but usually the games arent very good and the controls suck. I'm not to excited for this coming to ios

Yay, we just got confirmation that when ps1 support is added to vita it'll support all the games that are currently on the store and you will NOT have to rebuy them. I will be looking forward to playing Final Fantasy 1-9 on my vita.

Now playing

With this conference I really think monster hunter would have made a big splash. It looks really good

that makes me sad that it's only on 3ds then. At least with the vita I would be able to import the cartridge

Am I the only one that finds it weird that monster hunter hasn't been announced for U.S. release. It would seem like a no brainer. But then again it isn't mario and all nintendo cares about is mario.

I bought my 3ds for megaman legends 3. Welcome to the club.

no they are still DS games. Also I havent really heard any good things about LoS