
“Large swaths”

The people you linked to have 1,839 followers total.

You play as Zelda in every Legend of Zelda game. It's literally called The Legend of Zelda.

People keep leaking military secrets for clout.

Sure, just what we need. Slash the budget for the already crippled infrastructure repairs. That'll fix things

I mean, honestly - and I say this as someone who regularly plays 80+ hour RPGs for the characters and story - has anyone ever really bought a Zelda game for the plot?

There seems to be a growing perception that every AAA game must be a forever-game with 60+ hours of busy-work over a highly replayable game.

The entire Vietnam episode.  That was the peak and everything since has been chasing that high.

The way I put down my phone is by plugging it into my car.

I thought we agreed not to call a female Link ‘Linkle’ again.

Because it’s terrible.

This is a ridiculous assertion. Apple and Google have spent billions of dollars and have decades of experience in putting together a tech user interface, and as a result we spend all day on our phones. There is no way in hell any automaker is going to do a better job, and they probably don’t care to. They just want

“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”

but you’re good-looking—your best path to victory is simply to marry a man, leave him, and take half.”

What message does this Pentagon policy send to female service members who are or may become pregnant?

Imagine how much happier they would be if the incels just got together and started blowing each other...

For what it’s worth, ALL parties in the USA are conservative. You have a choice between right-wing, and really right-wing.

People always say they want smaller games, but then when the games come out people complain they are not larger.

The only relevant part of your post is the first half of the first sentence of the second paragraph. People over property.

That he didn’t do anything illegal seems to be lost on a few people here.

I see a few comments here about this YouTuber committing a crime and he very much did not. Buy something before a street date is not a crime. It’s breach of contract from the seller but that is a civil matter.

Wasn’t the whole point of Pokemon GO to go outside and hunt Pokemon? I feel like I’m missing something here... If the devs are selling you a way to avoid the core of playing the game, and your complaint is that it’s too expensive, maybe that’s just proof that it’s not really the game for you?