My grievance is the slideshow format. Airing my grievance provides no satisfaction.
My grievance is the slideshow format. Airing my grievance provides no satisfaction.
Why should she care? She isn’t running to win. She’s running to grift more funds, stay in the spotlight, and spoil the chance for a Dem to keep the seat. Her masters have already punched her ticket for a bright future as a “consultant” in payment.
If it was REALLY realistic, the video would cut out before, during, and after every time you shoot someone.
I don’t like Elon Musk, but this is the sort of problem you would expect to run into working on the future of spaceflight.
There’s a link on slide 4 - it’s a mix of reasons but mainly it’s the upper limit of what even the largest ports and the Suez Canal can accommodate.
Serious question: why does Tucker only have four kids? He and his wife married right out of college. They should have had at least double that number by now.
Further proof that far from being the genius he and his drooling fanbois like to think he is, Musk is really just an idiot with a gift for marketing.
Wow more concurrent users than the Vita had ever seen before!
There is literally an unlockable infinite rocket launcher in Resident Evil Director’s Cut from 1997. What are you even talking about my dude.
And this is why you never accept bonuses in lieu of raises. Employees would shit their bricks if there were pay cuts or pay freezes. But some of them readily accept the bullshit excuses for why bonuses are non-existent year after year.
part of me would find it hilarious if this Link is basically the protagonist from Memento and he keeps forgetting stuff.
This is how I drive to Frankenmuth from my place and back. You are spot on about inexcusable and site lines. Distracted driving is my guess for most of the accidents here.
With two cops per squad car, that’s two personal vehicles in many cases. Anyway, it’s not a reasonable comparison, since the city needs to have enough spaces available to store not-in-use city vehicles. Police officers have no more right to illegally park their personal commuting vehicles than anybody else. If I…
The big problem is cops illegally parking their personal vehicles, or filling up available precinct lots so that city vehicles end up illegally parked.
What? You mean cops have “cop attitude”?
They jacked up MSRP to catch up to actual sales prices.
guess i’ll repeat what i always do;
Lovecraft has been dead for 80 years, the problem with endlessly milking the Potter franchise is that it gives money to a hatemonger who openly and actively funnels it into harming a minority group.
37mph is slow enough that it’s unlikely to explode a pedestrian’s head or anything. I guess if this leads to fewer high speed chases, this is good? The trackers look big and obvious enough to limit most creeptastic uses.
Not really sure how you can coherently take “end police chases” as a policy position (a reasonable one, by the way), recognize that a huge number of cars involved in illicit activity in NYC have fake paper plates, and then also reject any means of tracking these vehicles as government overreach.