
I was in my car, stopped at a red light when I saw that some dude had maneuvred his car next to mine (in a one lane road) and was motioning for me to wind down my window. I thought that maybe there was something weird going on with my car that I hadn't yet noticed that he was very kindly going to tell me about.

Guyzzzzzzz. Consider Implanon. My government has just started rolling it out (for free!), and it seems pretty great.
It's a very simple procedure (and painless, apart from the administration of the local anaesthetic)and lasts three years (can be removed if you want), with some sort of ridiculously low failure rate.


This is giving me an inferiority complex about my childhood abilities

Medical expert in training from a developing country here


That is what leggings and dresses are for!!

I've been known to have 3 course breakfasts on weekends and holidays. Not sure if this requires getting woken up at 7am by sunlight penetrating into your east facing room , thereby allowing one to feel hungry/peckish 2 more times before breakfast time (until 12, if you stay in your pyjamas) is over.
It usually goes as

Hmmm, may be time to check it out then

Yes, I've heard the rumblings of discontent. I'm trying to be prepared to hate it :(

As an aside: I've recently started watching Battlestar Galactica, and apart from it being amazing, I am really enjoying all the incredible female characters.
I'm not sure whether this is a trend for other SciFi - I'm too young to have seen much Star Trek.

I thought it was Michael Fassbender

The term "boyfriend" makes me annoyed for some reason, so I prefer to use "my special gentleman friend"

As someone who has a degree in architecture and is now studying something else(in South Africa), I feel compelled to (create an account and) comment. It seems, from this thread, that you're seriously considering architecture. Don't do it without doing some work experience - at least several weeks at 2 firms which