Thanks. Now I can't unsee it. Creepy japanese ghosts. Never ends well for us.
Thanks. Now I can't unsee it. Creepy japanese ghosts. Never ends well for us.
I wish someone would create a gigantic real-life version of the older one and throw a few people into it with enough resources for them to live there for generations, until they find the exit.
Anyone who has never player HL1 should certainly play Black Mesa: Source. It's got everything that's great in HL and fixes everything that hasn't aged well. Plus, it manages to enhance many gameplay details and it's free.
Hey, what's the song at 0:00?
There's a way around the fuel problem: use rocket launchers! Never again will the tyranny of the second floor get at you! (oh, those were The Times in TF2)
Well, I suppose that's acceptable. I hate SpongeBob, so I'm still afraid I'll have to deal with that level of absurd humor, but I can deal with lots of insanity as long as it's cleverly written. I mean, I usually stay clear of penis jokes and smosh-like clowns, but I love David Wong's books.
I'm not sure how to feel about this. I'm the kind of person that would actually watch throughly to season 3 to find out if this is true or not, but if I ended up disappointed somehow I would be devastated. If you say that I'm sure you mean it, though experience tells me that if I dislike the vibe there's a good chance…
I wanted so much to like Adventure Time. There are so many amazing references there. But it took all I had to finish through the first episode, and I doubt I'll ever be able to watch it again. So sad.
Oh, my, I remember that one time I went into a game store (when I was quite little) and they had this flashy display of new consoles to try. I just picked the one with Luigi's Mansion and played for a long time, but I never realized that was a GameCube until now.
What the cake!
Many years ago I went to a friend's Halloween party dressed as a zombie, complete with ragged clothes and fake wounds. His neighbor very nearly called an ambulance; she couldn't believe it was just a costume. I never again felt so embarrassed and proud at the same time.
Let me propose another point-of-view. When sugar-free diets became a thing, sugar-free products started popping up everywhere. And while that's great for diabetics, it was such a lucrative thing that companies started replacing their normal, sugary, products for "dietetic" alternatives. That's got two issues:
I feel miserable for not being able to imagine the colors of fancy light frequencies, like infrared or ultraviolet, but that's a first-world issue, really. I would be so pissed if I suddenly turned colorblind. I have a perfect color vision, and I absolutely love it.
When Fourth Degree Simulacra get out of control, you should run to the bookstore and prepare yourself for the Matrix with Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation.
Ubisoft: "Damn, now we can't charge extra for those features."
Well done! Remember: The Aperture Science Bring Your Daughter to Work Day is the perfect time to have her tested.
If you look at the description of the video at Vimeo, it's all caps and full of (typing?) mistakes. Even "Evolution" is misspelled. So I guess whoever is responsible for this isn't a master of the English language.
Even if it's outside the ship, it's still attached to it. And so sheer vibration might indeed be responsible for the sounds we hear (sound does travel well in metal). I'm not sure how far they went to make it realistic, though. It would sound very different from atmospheric guns, and you wouldn't hear other ships…
On brighter days I would have said "THAT CRAB IS A SPY!". But now it just brings back dismal memories.
I am most concerned about how most of that money doesn't actually exist. In a few years I expect Facebook to crash like any other social network and I wonder what'll be of the Oculus Rift.