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    Oh, my, I too dropped it after it got to a point where they distributed the same battle scene across, like, a whole year. So that was the "final battle" then? Huh.

    I was never sure I had gotten the right spot, but most of the times I was right. Still not convinced any of them are real snipers, though.

    Love truly has no barriers.

    Loki aproves.

    Next step in world domination: "video is coming to steam".

    I feel like this is less of a challenge on your color perception and more of a challenge on your mouse skills than it should be.

    01. World War III (1979)

    Some games are highly playable at 30 FPS, some only look good at 60+ FPS. I'm not sure why, since I can deal with 24 FPS movies, but I can't stand games with less than 30. I feel like I'm looking at a strobing light, it makes me dizzy and gives me a headache. On the other hand, I absolutely love full 60+ FPS, but that

    I can't pretend there's no chance it'll fail (it all boils down to price and developers' attention), but odds (and hopes) are, it'll completely redefine the gaming reality. Comparing with android consoles is a very poor choice, it's a whole new technology with plenty of new, powerful resources to allow for awesome

    If I wanted a damn xbox controller, I would get a damn xbox controller. I'm so very disappointed with the change, even though I can understand the reasoning behind it. At least I don't have to be so excited for it anymore.

    My love for Stanley was so great, I even stained my computer with a Windows installation just to play it when it came out. No regrets, even though it took me three intensive days to make the dual-boot work ok.

    I can verify that a very, VERY similar thing happened to me. My grandmother has an apartment in another city that the family shares, and once, when I was little, I found an old laptop there. I was bored, so I messed around with it and I found an interesting (but somehow suspicious) program. Since I was not sure I was

    It's a shame for him, because I really doubt he can replicate his success, and there's only so far he can go with just one title, even if it keeps changing and improving. I guess he'd rather be the boss than learn to work in a group, but at least he would have the freedom to work on something he wanted to, without

    They're also the past. It's funny for people that are old enough to remember how those things got so annoying they disappeared and then came back and everyone was like

    Lego Legolas Le'go Le Legolas Love Life.

    Does the IE work "well enough"? Sure, it does. But not thanks to Microsoft, but thanks to the amazing, hard-working masochists that program the Web. They have to work 1000% more because of the blue devil, but they do it anyway, until the user cannot notice the millions of ugly workarounds running underneath.

    Oh my, this game is such a primal, true Journey through everything that defines us during our time as living beings that it's impossible to deliver proper sense to those that somehow didn't understand it. It's a game about what makes us humans, beyond that, what makes us people. It's about emotion, perception of self

    September was genuinely surprised with the events as they happened, such as Peter reappearing (to which he nearly responded by completely wiping him out from time), so I think September turned to the humans along the way as an Observer, not beforehand.

    According to Walter, all she might have is "residual cortexiphan". Could still play a role, but don't expect universe-collapsing energy anymore.

    When I read the title and looked at the picture, the first thing that came to mind was "so, she isn't looking at me, after all?". I never figured (most) people could think she was actually looking at herself, but now I'm afraid I'll start looking at paintings and thinking the same. Wish I never discovered this.