As Long as There is Beer I'm There.

Read the description of how much/location of dog poop...

Let me tell you this, something isn’t adding up. Dog Shit smells. Dog shit smells a LOT. If that dog unloaded mid/pre/post flight? I’m suprised we aren’t hearing from other folks on that flight.

Dog shit smells so much that if one of our dogs poop indoors (rare)


Yea, but the moment you bring this up to someone who doesn’t “SEE” it that way it’s some hidden agenda against cops when in reality its the cops that have a hidden agenda to grow and increase revenue.

But whatevs not trying to be political I just don’t like getting expensive tickets for worthless policy.

Maybe it was a design choice and we’re just seeing it at a weird angle? Kinda like the new BMW Crossover thingy having a badge on the C Pillar. Saw one in traffic yesterday, it looks new but not odd like we all kinda thought in the pictures... but who knows.

Will show her this post. Will stealth put my finger over funniest guy ever section.

Well.... Second to the guy asking 100k for a Dodge neon.

I know what I’ve got! No Low Ballers!

Something Something drunk pilots.

Wait so are ya’ll lowkey in love.

I don’t know what to believe but the internet needs answers.

this is my favorite thread of all time. I’ll tune back in the afternoon to see what happens next fo sho. keep it up.


First of all, I love your Handle.

Second of all, dude Thank god someone finally corrected me. I’ve heard that story since I was like literally 8 or 9 and ALWAYS forget to fact check it. Today it took me literally 2 seconds to remember Snopes debunks everything so here’s the link ladies and gentleman!

Clever Engineering is always fun, thanks Torch! I of course love seeing “Money is no object” engineering feats, but I think the truly clever ideas come from “...Like, we aren’t BROKE, but we’d like to keep it cheap”.

The Story I always remember that illustrates it is probably untrue but goes like this: “NASA spent

Dude did you read about the odd dark space thats so big in the sky that scientists are pondering whether or not it’s a whole civilizations worth of dyson spheres?

2020 Model debuts in late 2019 maybe? or earlier in the year at the 2019 autoshows?

Dude I dream of Dyson spheres all day.

That shit keeps me up at night.

IS it to replace the ones that burnt down? 

Man with 2lbs Balls Loses Load on way to work, 4 Vehicles Damaged”
