Kia, Hyundai, and Nissan are generally at the bottom.
Kia, Hyundai, and Nissan are generally at the bottom.
1) then offer a competitive price
Makes you want to buy a rolodex just for the endorphin rush of yanking out the little card with their name on it.
One of my clients is a car dealer network with 26 Ford and Mazda stores throughout New England and Northern California. If one of the internet reps for any of our stores pulled this stunt, he or she would be fired in an instant.
For only $600 per month, you can drive a rental car... EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Isn’t that Dante’s 4th level of Hell?
Can we talk about how the car has NO PHYSICAL BUTTONS. Having capacitive touch buttons on the steering wheel and dash is a god damn nightmare when driving. The temp and volume controls are sliders placed directly next to each other on the dash. I’m sure it’l be fun to try and lower the temp only to hit max volume on…
The reason you can’t tell them apart with Chevy and Kia badges is because those companies aren’t stupid and don’t want the corporate grille in the background of war crimes videos.
Probably wants a fancier scooter to doddle around the paddock on
My question is:
You don’t have to change it every 4 months.
Well, it’s not a mandate that you change it out after 4 months.
If only workers could form some kind of collective organization to help them stand against the abuses of people who run unions. I have this vision of a system where the workers could elect a spokesman to bargain with the union leaders over how funds would be used, and threaten to refuse to do union work if they can’t…
All of the suggestions are bad and the people who made them should feel bad for suggesting them.
You’re talking about pre-symptomatic people.
Never attribute to incompetence when it can adequately explained by malice.
I’ve been going to the movies since the age of six and the theatrical experience has been one of the most basic, joyful things in my life. I had the great fortune of going to college during the height of the film guild era and, for years, went to the movies two to three, sometimes four, nights a week. I love the…
A cliche from the vast store of brainless cliches of postmodernism
slow clap
the malware apps in question are so bizarre and pointless, you’d have to be the dumbest Android user on Earth to download them in the first place
Not a terribly helpful suggestion if someone is buying not a Tesla.