Aslo DeNada Chatham

They’ve at least gone through the process of getting coverage denied and having their cards (plural) on file charged and maxed out.

Really. This is your go-to?

This fits right in the wheelhouse of the corporate car allowance buyers. They aren’t price conscious for the most part and will be able to supplement the included insurance as needed. Seems like a sweet deal for that type of buyer, especially when there’s no added maintenance or down payment.

The payoff was the dispensary all makes sense now!

One of our kids suffered from anxiety so bad that he threw up on the bus at least once a week. We quickly learned that Amazon sells car sickness bags - heavy plastic bags with a mouth-sized plastic opening for no-mess puking. It may be overkill for some, but our bus driver sure appreciated not having to deal with

No word on the pricing of Klaus’ short shorts?

Two things that stood out: 1. lots of females on their team. Well done Sandra and Intel! 2. that’s the most underwhelming VP office (ahem, cube) in the history of corporate offices...

I don’t understand the need for a desktop client. Is this a security or audit-trail kind of thing? My important accounts are all gmail/gsuite and I just open the tabs in my browser. Am I missing something...what’s your workflow like that a desktop client is preferred?

Western NY transplant...and I can’t get enough of Wegmans. Selection and pricing are pretty stellar on most things, but what I’ve noticed is the customer service and cleanliness push them over the top.