Aslo DeNada Chatham

slow clap

the malware apps in question are so bizarre and pointless, you’d have to be the dumbest Android user on Earth to download them in the first place

Not a terribly helpful suggestion if someone is buying not a Tesla.

“Was the painter trying to say that he had looked deeply into Bezos’ soul and found that it was flat, bland, guarded, and lacking in emotional warmth...”

Ya know what takes even more effort than telling your kid no? Actually discussing internet safety protocols with them as soon as possible. These safety issues don’t magically go away when they become an adult. Everything you teach them will still be relevant when they become old enough (in your eyes) to get a smart

Gonna guess you don’t have kids, so let me break it down

Harley is squarely in the ctatgory of “things poor management is killing because you can’t base an entire company on selling to old white guys”.

But you have time to read and comment on Lifehacker articles?

You must be fun at parties. 

Kids = Ransomware

That Popemobile is probably the best SEAT in the house.

Bohemian Rhapsody as it turns out was a pretty darn good movie in a generally awful year -- scratch that -- decade for movies.  Good thing you wrote it off without seeing it.  You obviously have a lot of talent as a critic. 

Did this guy really line you all up to recommend a Miata and everyone of you failed to recommend it? How more perfect can his needs be that Miata isn’t the answer?

The other reason for moving the car, LaSha told me, was that her husband wanted to show that it could be done after his friend voiced some doubts.

Personally, I like the Chevy bowties on the steering wheel....

How can we have a word that only one people with a particular skin color can say?

This cars biggest issue is that it is a Buick. Not ready for that stage in my life yet.

Don’t just ignore these assholes - if they’re calling you up, that means they’ve called other customers up with this scam, and it’s more than likely that it’s worked for them if they keep doing it.
Yelp reviews, local BBB chapters, or your state attorney general are all appropriate methods of alerting others that this

Congrats. You’re “that guy”.