
I think you've explained it well ... just that you could simply explain it by saying. If the 2 balls were say welded together then its considered as one object with mass 2X. So the entire energy is transferred to the first ball thats static. Now, Because the balls are separated by a minute distance .. there is

And Steve Jobs was once again right when he said Android records everything and not apple when the "LocationGate" happened. Not being a crazy apple fan, but strangely we find him right !

thats where you can be more dramatic. You can actually end the movie with him saying Oh Wow - like Steve did ... or just smile when Forstall demos Siri and cut to a slide that has the text explaining what happened after that. The best thing a writer can do is leave the most emotional moment in your head .. coz your

agreed there .. i dont think you can have a better looking device than the 800. Infact its the only phone that was awe inspiring after the iphone. Im getting one just for the sakes of how well it is designed, even though my primary is going to be a Iphone4

Sorry, you may not have got my point. i dont mean to keep talking about this forever and i do get your idea of having an optical drive. i was in that boat a couple of years ago when i got my Pro.

Sorry but why is it that you assume having an optical media makes it "pro". i have nothing against the drive, but i dont think i have used for more than 3 4 times over the past 3 years. I am assuming Pros will have a better way of dealing media or whatever - than burning it in an optical drive.

Can Siri Tweet, now that twitter is integrated into the OS. I cannot imagine when people start tweeting continuously just because they can talk. No one enjoys Comfortable Silences these days.

as some one who does telecommute .. I agree partially. While I do have days when i don't have to work for full 8 hours - there are times when there is no "END OF DAY" for me. My work continues even after 6 and goes a solid 12 hours. So its this or that. And it wouldn't be any different if i were in office. I would

Ah finally, I have been saying this for quite sometime now. HTC must go for WebOS. HTC Hardware, WebOS S/w and partnership in exclusivity (in some areas) for content. Amazon Cloud could sure benefit ...

THis is just the case of Rabbit taking a nap and waiting for the tortoise but watching it with one eye. I personally feel even Windows 7 for tht matter hasnt gotten any better [though its a lot cleaner thanVista]. Apple - with this being 10.7 is just taking it easy. When Windows 8 or 9 hits the stands and iOS is ready

I was once a great fan of Windows [ for reasons i dont know yet ] but abandoned it for a Mac right after Vista came out. Now Windows 7 looked satisfactory but, Windows 8 was a Hope in the right direction until I saw the video. What started as a great experiment felt awkward when they show that its just a standard

Totally right. I was about to write it. I am disappointed to see that it is just a Skin on the top of standard windows. rainmaker or such windows Skin makes could come up with this.

Again, i think the glorified hard drive makes sense for people who purchased music before itunes came to life. Example from India and most of my music were from CDs. none of them were on iTunes. So essentially i would need the Glorified Cloud hard drive. Now what is Killer?

I am in Nor Cal [SFO area] .. and i have a pretty good resistance . But this time I just had a bad year and i dont know of any one of my friends not affected.

There is a difference collecting and keeping it in your phone and transmitting it out of your phone for a different purpose. Second, its expected that a phone - normally would be trackable to the cell tower -which this does - and the carrier any way tracks them. I think - im not sure seeing apple's terms and

Now playing

This was the most funniest. I dont think the Parody videos were funny. Iphone 4 parody was better [Black Iphone cant do this, Black iphone cant do that .. whats up with that?]

very recently i discovered this. i was reading an article about the frequency of 2G and 3G waves and whenever I am in an indoor setting like you see - i switch off my 3G and my signal strength is always better. Try that !

precisely my point - either the OS must help in abstracting the application layer and have the application not bother about the cores and GCD or soemthing must take catre of that ... i am just doubtful of how efficient is GCD built to have the cores used irrespective of the application that is running !

we need iOS 5 with a better UI and enhanced Home/Notification. God Windows phone 7 looks nice now !

I am not clear on one thing. When they say Quad Core - does the OS or the application have the capability to use all 4 cores? Or is it safe to just stay on the 13 inch dual core i series?