The whisper-yelling he does in that spit video is just hilariously subdued for something deserving of a ban. Harassment, hacking, and threats? Worth the ban. Whisper-yelling and spitting on your own material possessions? Worth laughing at.
The whisper-yelling he does in that spit video is just hilariously subdued for something deserving of a ban. Harassment, hacking, and threats? Worth the ban. Whisper-yelling and spitting on your own material possessions? Worth laughing at.
I’m sure the Jesko will be amazing, but it sounds like a detuned Cadillac.
I’m guessing you’ve never heard of Escape From Tarkov, or Squad, or Insurgency, or Arma, or any of the several much better “tactical” shooters. PUBG is not the only one, or even one of the better ones.
arma has been around a LOT longer and does a way better job of it.
pubg is the closest thing to a popular tactical shooter. what you smoking?
Optimizing for a specific duty cycle is always difficult in cars, where the speed and load varies a lot.
I was just going to say, after looking at their video, it seems clear that this is more of a packaging savings (which is not to be overlooked as insignificant!).
Sure, but you should at least take a look at it before putting it out there and asking for funding. It just reeks of youth and inexperience, hence the senior design theory.
This is so weird.
Funny how one misspelling on a slide has shaken my confidence a bit.
Agreed. Show me an actual fully functioning prototype and then we can talk.
Cool. I’ll just go broke buying a brand new vehicle on the off chance that it will influence GM’s decision to put one in the C8.
Get that tatoo NOW! And show it off proudly to those of us who know it as an alternator.
Maybe he’s thinking a centrifugal set-up is a turbo based on how the air is compressed?
I don’t know anything about the engineering-but this is all about avoiding taxes on displacement. China has an extra tax on engines larger than 2 liters. I believe, but am not going to check, that the EU does the same.
My friend has an auto BRZ and a CVT WRX on his driveway.....
The guy’s got some skills. A nice homogeneous finish on it would really top it off.
You’re opinioning wrong.