
She insults Indians/Gandhi on video. For no reason. Just to laugh at Indian people and make a racist joke. She turned off some with her (BS) support of BLM, and a video surfaces of her saying black children are superpredators who need to be brought to heel? You’re pissing off young people who won’t take that crap. Her

It’s meaningless. She should have smoked him by 10-12MM. She ran against a monster. 200K is laughable.

If Independent voters could have voted in the primaries, he would have smoked her. He would have carried the swing states with his corporatism (anti) message. People didn’t know him that well — older black folks. They trusted HRC and she still only beat him by 4MM votes.

There’s a reason everyone around you has more stars. HRC winning the pop by 200K is not a point in your/her favor, it’s an indictment. She went up against a monster, and should have beat him by 12-15MM votes. People didn’t turn out for her.

Dumbfuck, yes it is. He has zero name recognition going up against an A-List star. She should have beaten him so muhc easier. How do you not grasp that?

Of, fuck you. You HEAR about it our sexism. You don’t publicize your white sexism. Are you fucking kidding me? My parents are Indian immigrants who are surgeons. I’m a surgeon. How the fuck do you not know that it’s not deep-seeded, dipshit? That lack of basic knowledge extends to other areas.