
Hop on, Franko!!

Bah, the 80s are deader than disco!! [cranks up The Police}

Mildred, just wondering.. If you are really working from home, why do you need to OWN the McLaren? SMH

What about "Big Fish"? I liked "Big Fish." Also, he was super creepy in "Eye of the Beholder" where he stalks and Wassername Judd for justice, or something.

Happy Birthday!! We'll have a word with IMDB…

Now I just need to figure out how to Hulu!!

For some reason "The Rapture" springs to mind. Since nobody mentioned it, I will. Mimi Rogers and Duchovny are both great and it's a haunting, weird-ass movie.

You have plenty of time to get used to THAT. If you spend any time in conversations with 20 year old people it happens faster. Eventually they look like eggs—eggs that talk garbage!!

Are you used to being 30 yet?

I cannot tell you how much it pleases me that my gals are skeptic fans!!

I believe if you reach in your word bag, you will find "satisfying" fits the bill!!

Is The Revenant more or less depressing than The Grey?

It's a favorite of mine, as is the whole album, really.

I hope you are putting your extra time to good use, there, @lafergs!! This new thing is so spartan, so sheng fui!! It sparks me joy!!

Chicago Zamboni

Mars supermarkets are fabulous. They may also be time portals.

I leave pages open for days. HA!!

But… it would be whatever is most recent at midnight…

Truly sorry, Mark!!