Well, that's creepy!!
Well, that's creepy!!
I'm surprised that this is at all mysterious…
Your mom is correct!!
Oddly, I had recently decided to stop reading while drinking my morning coffee. My future-sense is getting pretty good…
We are, truly. We open things with our teeth for no reason.
I had the same thought. I figured I might have to point it out here, in the MORNING.
We really are.
Beyond the Tanked. Shocking!!
Duck hands??
@avclub-f5fc0943a2d597c869afec4103a54605:disqus Psst. I know it FEELS so ABC.
Whew!! That hands-won't-work thing is horrible.
[feels terrors] That is the worst!! Well, it would be the worst if it was wet and there were bugs. Almost the worst!!
What is a thing for Steve?
"I, uh… don't know how that's relevant…"
Maybe not my absolute favorite, but "Searching for Bobby Fischer" springs immediately to mind. It's such a lovely and loving portrait of searching for how to parent. Also there is dramatic chess.
"Bless yer flippers!!" —Patrick Duffy
I was happy to see she's going to be doing some comedy. I think that's gonna be good on her.
The worst thing is they think they are Brilli-ant.
I gotta go with "Hairspray," because when I say I'm from Baltimore, even people in Portugal nod in understanding. https://youtu.be/CJR6my7A_Vk
You know what bugged me? Rob Lowe. I always pictured Nick as Levar Burton. Wait. That should be Levar Burton as Nick. OMG, was it Nick? The deaf fella!! Where's my Advil??