I have been very embarrassed singing along to Argentinian reggae where every other line is basically "Fuck the Police," so avoid that maybe.
I have been very embarrassed singing along to Argentinian reggae where every other line is basically "Fuck the Police," so avoid that maybe.
I was just going to stop by to thank you guys for not being dicks, even though you do have the highest dick-joke quotient of any site I frequent and THEN I land on a Drake article with ZERO dick jokes. Wow.
I listen to Stoop Storytelling. It's based in Baltimore, but very few of the stories are terribly city-specific these days. It's very diverse, personal stories, usually funny, but not always.
Fiftysomething is cool even if it's wrong.
Yeah. Hard to believe Glen was under the dumpster for almost a month, innit?
John Denver had a public niche all to himself back then, as I recall, sort of the perpetual Osmond brother of country-pop. Anyone would have made him waffles.
I agree. We watched MI last night and while U.N.C.L.E. was respectable, it was up against a real gorilla of a film.
Your older nephew was probably over loaded by the other kids. It can be hard for them to deal with all the extra people and relationships, so that for some kids it's 3D chess… underwater. He'll get better at it, I bet!!
Ha! For me that… EW.
Here's the best thing I've read lately about why American's love amateurs: http://www.theatlantic.com/…
Hang in there!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I just found this one Stuart wasn't even trying to fool her. So great. https://youtu.be/090_PgrSoc…
I'd forgotten about the creepy stairway that only goes up half a flight, too.
OMG the sweaters!!
Thanks, beems. I hope your Thanksgiving is beemy!!
Hey, it will only take you two seconds to read my first comic and one second to let me know it's crap. http://blog.askyermom.com/2…
A: why do I feel like I saw this before?
2: what is "despecialized"? (nevermind. I saw THAT later)
He's not just another pretty face. I was disappointed to learn that his singing was dubbed in "Oh Brother.."
He can't do EVERYTHING.
Blame thanksgiving spirit!!
If you do the pillow, embroider a peace sign on it. I recommend purple!!