
I would like to like this more than one!!

The most comfortable curlers!!

STILL. She turned 90 yesterday.

I'm sad that two of my people were too squeamish to stick with it past the first episode. It's SO GOOD.

I would have said, "You owe ME big time!" because I hate people gabbing in theaters. I almost started a brawl over it that one time.

I was almost as bad. I said statue of liberty's torch. What?

XM has a Dead channel that is nothing but :)

We agreed in advance to try an Amazon streaming show, and by the time we got home could not remember the title. Something Oaks?

All I could say is "some filthy beat poet."

I'm not sure it's cyberstalking to watch someone who puts up videos of their daily activities, but yeah, that's gross!!


She's just giving us something to talk about, dontchaknow!!

Maybe he's just the Champion that Jeopardy deserves?

Oh, THANKS!! I forgot The Affair was back on.

It's okay, beema!! You like the edge.

Crap. Hang in there!!

Mom always knows.

I watched AHS, and it was probably terrible. I was also terribly drunk, so some of the nonsense may have been happening in my mind. Time for another Advil smoothie!!

Copeland's "trouble" is my favorite (he attracts bullets fired in any direction, so he has to wear a bullet proof vest at all times). Adorable!!