
I would rush a shooter, but I'm old and very reckless. I don't recommend that. Maybe Dr. Carson will separate his foot from his mouth next?

I watched the first season and wandered off at some point in the second and came back to the episode where they were in an alternate universe where they were actors playing demon hunters and I became a viewer playing a critic watching a parody and the demons told me it was okay.

I would watch kittens watching kittens on tv…

We watched The Thing again recently. It holds up pretty well and I kept telling the kids to appreciate the puppets.

Eat up some Vitamin D, Martha!!

After driving in torrential rain to get to Charleston, yerdad and I decided to bag the vacation and just go home early. Little gal was ill and the weather was going to be crap and she said the power was flickering at home.

Hey Kayla!! "…because a galan at a Gotham Children’s Hospital…"

Right, editors, not proofreaders.

No teevee for mee. We're heading to Drunk Disney.

No one can tell you how to murph. You know what to do.

Basic mistakes are probably from a lack of editing. It's everywhere.

AND they created a stage blood shortage that is still reverberating.

Well, I saw a message last night in the spooky little corner text on Syfy that "Haven" will be returning with is "final episodes" next week.

Happy Birthday, O'Frank!! (Don't mind beema, he hates everything).

1988 was the year I had my first wedding.

I DID think about that when Dad put on "Below Decks" the other day. Maybe the girl who is going bi-polar actually had her medicine switched with tic tacs…

Unless.. Unreal is unreal…

I always have to say it: Patrick Bergin's was so much better.

Perhaps Marge and Bobby wanted him to be able to pass for Jewish.

Totally believable!!