
I thought Scream Queens was fun. More fun than I expected. (I always expect a little fun).

I saw it was available and it sounds great!!

Yup. I covered this. The problem is the zeal, whatever flavor it is.

Yup. Unless I'm mistaken, Landis did it first and very effectively.

Right on time, we have FALL TV.

You are a beautiful human, Franko.

Salutations, congratulations and blessings!!

Wasn't Rod gay? (I assume everyone in show business is gay). Nevermind, I'm sure he was gay.

I'm afraid you're right about "Sleepy Hollow." It's a shame, too, because it was so strong at the start. Maybe it just should have been one of those one-season projects.


Way to go Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments!! Shoot the moon, kinda!!

So, Mom, now that you're done fasting for your butt scope, where shall we go for breakfast?

Who cares? We have @lafergs:disqus!!

Sorry I missed it!! Thanks for the mention!! Made me clap both of my glad hands!!

"So our champ, Audrey, has an impressive $500,000 lead… for now…"

I believe he was rebooting.


He is terrible.

Don't sweat it. I'm glad I missed the thread!!

I'm worried about it too, but only because I'm afraid they will totally rip off one of my favorite books that was never a movie or anything. If the protagonist starts torturing you'll know who to thank!! http://www.barnesandnoble.c…