Asking for a fiend

Your opinions are steaming hot garbage, marinated in raw sewage.

Under a Clinton Presidency we’d have no additional mental health funding and someone who you seem to show so much feigned concern for would be at great risk for being killed by police for the crime of having mental illness.

no coffee,no poop

Maybe. But I’m on Swift’s side. I know she’s a vanilla white girl we all roll our eyes over, but she’s one of many women who have to put up with this shit from men looking for cheap plugs.

“Yeezus, can you just give it a west already” said Taylor, swiftly.

Exactly. Robert may have won the throne, but it was Tywin who’s calling the shots. Horrible horrible man, but one who knew how to govern. I hated how naïve Ned was, I kept thinking how someone who’s been around so long and have seen so much could be so dense.

No kidding. I’ve never read any novels with more REAL humanity than these series. And it has fucking dragons and zombies in it.

mic drop HELL YEAH

The general health care that Planned Parenthood provides of course is a positive aspect, and I’ve used them for that too and been very grateful that they were there. But, a cautionary note, this wording makes it sound like the availability of abortions there, though it is but a small percentage of what they do, is not

maybe she is an IT ( Information Technology or Income Tax) girl

Found the vegan!