
Oh no: we’re not going to start some Q&A bs where I ‘prove’ my opinion to you. Damn that—and it galls me when people do that online. Besides, I would only engage you in an effort to sway your position and I don’t care that much to do so. You have your opinion and I have mine—but you DO NOT *know* that the boycott will

He added alot of fluff that wasn’t warranted-imo. And you don’t *know* that the boycott won’t help or change anything—that’s a fact.

I call bs. Just say that you enjoy football too much to give it up. YOU. Or, better yet—if you’d said nothing no-one would know!

I actually think he renegotiated his contract to help the team get a trade or to prevent getting cut. NFL contracts are not guaranteed, remember. They kept him on the sideline for most of the year in bubble wrap because they were planning to trade him. That is also reason to cancel the contract if you did not think no

how many of you watch 

I’m trying to figure out how your race is relevant to your observation.

You really could have just started this off with the point that you paid $300.00 for Sunday Ticket. It shows where you really prioritize things.

I wonder how Black women would fare on the online dating apps, ever since that startling report about Black women’s chances on each app, a few years ago. I’ve had friends/relatives/acquaintances say that they’ve done well (in some cases, very well) on the apps, but then again, these women fall into the “conventionally

I’m guessing this column was in response to that column.

“I spent just about all of Sunday watching football.”

Sponsored by NFL Sunday Ticket.

Not one dime of my money will EVER g 2 the @NFL again...ON TV or in person......The @NFL is banking that more Blacks will watch than those who will not...People are on the wrong side of history but that’s not surprising as it relates to my people....They are always late.....

Translation bot:

If the game is a cadre of billionaires crippling young-to-middle-age people of color while draining the coffers of municipal budgets in extortionate stadium schemes, I think I can hate it to the point of not subsidizing it with my eyeballs.

Seems like others are already judging you.

I love football, but I’m boycotting. Not because me not watching will really impact the bottom line, but more so because I cannot in good conscience support or participate in a system that tacitly banned someone for standing up for a cause that directly impacts me and 95% of the people I care about. Find myself

Um...that sounds a little too close to sounding like
6. You would have gotten on the bus during the bus boycott because your job is far

Not having facts behind them never stops racist from declaring shit they made up as fact. It’s Faux News’ business model.

Please don’t hold that against me, I have mouths to feed.

Here’s one: You wish black women with natural hair would just stop trying to make a political statement.