
The local da’esh affiliate in Egypt (Wilayet Sinai) targeted that particular tribal group because they cooperated with the authorities. It had nothing to do with them being ‘Sufi Muslims.’ Sufism is not a sect of Islam so much as it is Islamic mysticism, comparable in some regards to Kabbalah, with vast disparities in

In the book, the Republic deported all Jews, and sent all black Americans (called ‘Children of Ham’) to ‘homelands’ in the midwest, sort of like reservations for Native Americans or the bantustans of South Africa. I don’t recall Latinos being mentioned.

Are you going to cover other rulings/acts of cowardice of India’s Supreme Court like this one?

But hey, it’s a good headline, right?

I’ve been cooking too - Arrabbiata sauce, vegetable soup (a sort of ‘whatever’s left-over’ with mirepoix, tomatoes, and beans), and I have a pot of frijoles charros (Mexican pinto beans, sans bacon though) bubbling away merrily on the stove. The transformation of ingredients into smooth, filling meals is... magical,