
I imagine (and have noticed) that these responses are very localized so not many people may understand this one but for me it's I-794 in Milwaukee. When it's running east/west it becomes a mess of interchanges and people trying to cross from one side to the other so the 50mph speed limit makes sense. When it hits Lake

Just throwing this out there...but are you under the impression that the missing island is the one on the right in the photo? That's New Caledonia and is actually there. The missing island is on the left and has no names other than Sandy Island and no topography.


Maybe it's personal preference but when it comes to essential in-car controls I'd rather have something that maintains its speed and usability over a number of years. A normal car computer tends not to degrade in performance over time (at least from my experience). That's because there aren't significant OS upgrades

Considering the fact that Apple updates the iPad yearly this seems like a terrible idea in the long run. If you're keeping your car for two years great but at some point you're going to be scouring eBay for an old version of an iPad that's no longer supported by Apple because the newer version no longer fits in the

You appear to have misspelled the word "hoodrat"

I didn't think about the age implications but they still could have just said a younger passenger. I think the title pretty clearly tries to convey a gender difference between the two.

I find it strange how many times you mention the "girl" passenger but the only time it's mentioned that the driver is a female as well is in the quote from the witness. Considering the emphasis on the sex of the passenger you'd think the bus driver was a male.

Odd that they went the more complicated route to comply instead of just doing what Volvo does and have the headlights on no matter what. It's actually really annoying (which is why I had mine deactivated) but the only difference between having the headlight switch "on" and "off" is that in the off position you can

Agreed. I can't really fault someone with a car like that parking in more than a single space because I'd totally do the same thing (except at the back of the lot or something).


I was surprised by this as well. I wonder if it's actually would be crazy if the 5 series outsold the 3 series, especially considering how expensive it is.

The site wasn't giving me notifications so I never noticed your reply which is why I replied a month late.

While I'm not a fan of the headlights (the front end lacks a certain presence so maybe they're too small) the biggest problem is probably their choice of color. The first official shots of the car and they choose a color that photographs bland/ugly on top of a similar looking background? Way to make the car look as

Just for a litte more info, the S60 is 182.2 inches long and the 3 series is 182.5 inches long. The S80 is 191 inches long which is actually smaller than the 193.1 inch 5 series and more than a foot shorter than a 7 series.

That's actually not true.

While I think the angel eyes/corona rings on the BMW are great looking (especially the newer LED based ones) I don't know if they really count as being awesome looking at night unless you're driving around without headlights on...which seems to defeat the purpose of the question.

It was the example vehicle when they posted the question so perhaps it was left out for that reason. Or no one agreed with them.

Now playing

Here's the side impact video for my Volvo S80. Unfortunately I can't find a frontal offset video (though there are videos of two of them colliding as well as straight into a flat wall).

Reminds me of the time my ex was driving around in a 1991 Volvo 740 that was "making a strange sound over bumps". The strut broke straight through the mount and what he was hearing was the strut banging against the hood of the car, basically supporting the vehicle. I guess the dent that was forming in the hood from