
The rape thing, it’s tough. I say this as a person who was raped, went through the criminal justice system as a young teenager, not being believed, and having the guy end up doing 3 months for statutory rape. Not a good time.

Can someone explain to me the unabashed hatred fueled toward Chris Brown please? I understand the whole Domestic Violence situation from previous with Rhianna and the subsequent behavior thereafter. In all honesty don’t most celebrities act this way though? I guess we all root for one team or another but still - that only victims of rape are aware it’s a thing? What the actual fuck?!

I’m just going to say having the logo on its own a shirt does not immediatly say you are a “Ghostbuster” any more than wearing a transformers symbol on a shirt actually is you proclaiming you’re a robot. Wearing a t-shirt that says “jurassic park” doesn’t mean you are saying you are an employee of the park. It’s just

I'm kinda over Beyonce

What the fuck is this shit? Are you 15 years old? Jesus.

Dude. Drake is rich and famous. He probably bangs different girls every night. These gestures you see are publicity stunts.

The female Ghostbusters franchise was destroyed by whatever idiot wrote the script. The movie objectively sucked.

How do you really misinterpret all new people that way

I don’t think he meant literal “new” to politics, just that two new people would have to run. If “none of the above” won this time around then someone else like, for example, Elizabeth Warren would throw her hat in.

He was a freakin’ genus until he didn’t agree with you.

Either way, it makes them both look like an ass in my opinion.

First, I’m not a guy. I’m a woman. Second, I’m very sorry for what happened to you. Third, your own experience is not necessarily universally applicable. Not everyone who claims rape is giving an accurate account of what transpired. Sometimes people have motivation to lie. Or sometimes their feelings about an

You weren’t in the room either. Why is it that you feel so comfortable assuming that the man in question was lying, when the woman in question went from giddy and thrilled over their encounter, to hurt and angry because he didn’t call again, to claiming rape? You weren’t there for the sexual encounter or the series of

I don’t think you’re a feminazi bitch, and I’m sorry to hear that you experienced a sexual assault. I read the transcripts from this case and it seems pretty clear that Nate Parker knew that he and his friend had raped her, hence the lying about what had happened when she called to try to get the name of the other

I have a feeling I’m opening the door to being inundated with hate, but I want to share what may be a unique point of view on this topic.

I think you have to dial back your opinion of people who fear being accused, ESPECIALLY when discussing the Nate Parker case. Lest we forget, Black men have a LONG and troubled history of being falsely accused of rape in this country, usually as a pretext for violence against them, and it’s a reasonable fear to hold.

Heh, nice.

4/10 you tried.

Never speaking of confounding factors when discussing statistics, you’ll lose them further!