
Or, here’s another idea, don’t.

I kind of wish you could turn off the ghost opponents entirely. When there are multiple near my character, all of that movement can get distracting and mess me up. Is there any pure single player mode in this game?

Yeah when I read this section: “It’s a first-person shooter with clear RPG elements set in a dystopian universe where massive corporations with names like Spacer’s Choice and Auntie Cleo’s have taken over entire planets.” I was like sooooooooo Borderlands? 

That’s pretty standard for Minor League Baseball, for example. Typically the Major League team owns the player/coaching contracts and makes all baseball decisions. Then there’s a separate owner for the Minor League team, and other stuff like stadium operations, marketing, travel etc. is handled under that ownership.

Can you get promoted to Executive Delivery Boy in this?

Lol at “sleeping game”! When I was like 6, I saw my dad and uncle playing Ghost Recon. Asked them what they were playing and they just said “Paintball”. I believed it without a second thought!

 Yeah that seemed SUPER out of place, and it makes all the other security measures completely null and void.

This gets confusing for someone new to Tekken because Akuma is a prominent character in the Tekken 7 Story Mode. You fight Heihachi and Kazuya as Akuma, then you fight Akuma as Kazuya at the end.

I think you’re thinking of the Paralympics, which is for people with physical disabilities. Special Olympics is for people with intellectual disabilities.

I never netdeck for the same reason. I might get an idea from online like “Dragon Priest”, but I made my own Dragon Priest deck instead of just copying a list. Much more fun that way, and more satisfying when you manage to make a good deck.