SaGa Scarlet Grace western release (enhanced PS4 edition?)
SaGa Scarlet Grace western release (enhanced PS4 edition?)
Never a good sign when there are more fish in the back stop than fans in the seats.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Nothing makes me go from somewhat interested in a JRPG to “BURN IT WITH FIRE” quite so fast as ATB.
Being president of the united States automatically makes you a war criminal.
So, jeets didn’t clap?
22 years ago.
If only he died 22 years ago.
Boring is fine so long as they eliminate the penguins.
Glow, fine. Comet trail? Oh hell no.
Oh hey the last halfway decent star ocean. That’s nice I guess. Any time now on that SaGa Scarlet Grace release, SEUSA
Their real religion is capitalism.
The Rags already get at least 45 home games a year, what’s one more?
Captials gonna Capital.
Good, now release SaGa Scarlet Grace in the west damnit.
I’d prefer not to have touch controls myself, but considering the treatment the series has received in the west I’ll take what I can get.
I know, hilarious. One of the best RPG’s ever made is only $18 and all you have to do is adjust to a slightly different command input method. It’s absolutely hysterical.
By all means if you live in a territory that got a Vita release enjoy it. That said, If you didn’t get a Vita release (especially in a market where ANY release of a SaGa game is basically a miracle) suck it up.
No one cares about your Vita. Buy the mobile version. If enough folks did at launch a western release of Scarlet Grace might not just be an absurd fantasy.
The iOS/Android port is literally the best game Square Enix has released in the west in about a decade.