Yeah, Nintendo really fucked 2nd division over w/ Romancing SaGa. Back in the day only 1st party games were allowed to break cartage plateaus forcing them to cut a ton of content. The Romancing SaGa PS2 remake was fucking amazing though.
None of the SaGa games have common settings.... not sure how Frontier 2 isn’t a sequel? I mean, it’s SaGa 8.
SaGa Frontier is fucking amazing. Basically the best game Square made in the PS1 era.
Blue was totes an asshole. I always threw the duel to finish the game as Rouge.
You spelled best wrong.
All of the SaGa Games > Literally everything else. Except SaGa 3 on game boy ‘cause generic Kawazu-less drek.
Frontier got rushed out the door with about 60-70% of the planned content to capitalize on the FF7 buzz. Also 2nd Division has always been the low budget team. So yeah. Low budget, accelerated timeline. Better game the FF7. Kawazu is fucking amazing like that.
Ebay? It’s shamefully not on PSN despite being an all time great.
It’s so fucking good.
Still basically the best JRPG of its generation despite being rushed out the door at like 60-70% complete.
FINALLY the switch has a killer app.
So has he gotten around to paying his former staff at the kernel? Nah?
Plus with local announcer audio usually as opposed to a studio anchor, which is awesome.
NHL Network. But then again I only give a fuck about hockey and tend to just watch my teams highlights on the interwebs.
But they had to trade him after suffering the indignity of celebratory low fives.
I really don’t mind if these snitches get stitches.
Only 6 weeks? I envy you.
So basically what you are saying is raven soft should be working on x-men legends 3 RN.
I imagine this will be very cathartic for me to work out my frustration RE: the SaGa Series’ treatment in the west.