
Cause they won’t be able to justify the price point for classic games a la carte on the virtual console if the user can get a better value in the classic nes bundle?

Let’s not be shocked, not paying for things is basically trump’s brand.


IDK I don’t like it?

Well yeah. But I imagine they expected a better spread with the responses.

It wouldn’t be a SMT game without genital monsters.

I am ready for DLC costumes because Ann’s dungeon costume is tragic.

Ugh that’s bad localization... But ideally it will keep the mouth breathers screaming censored ships at bay.

I went with Half Mystics because SOMEONE has to make a SaGa reference.

Oh shit, cosmic star heroine is actually coming out? It seems like only two years ago I was confused by its trailer running in my local Best Buy and only a decade ago that the kickstarter closed. No matter. Come on kickstarter send me my code. I’m a get up on that :::looks at P5, still running::: eventually.

+1 Mark of the Wolves.

A SaGa Scarlet Grace port (if released in the west) would sell me a switch in a fucking second.

Hot Take:

This is dumb and I hate it.

Yo Fuck marvel till OG Cyclops is back.

Nah it couldn’t be the bloated line, $5 an issue price points, the suicidal handling of the x-men line, a status quo that changes every 3 months due to the latest earth shattering ‘nothing will ever be the same!!!1!!1' ‘event’ book that has to involve the entire line, constantly trying to make the inhumans happen, etc

Too high.

Lock him up! Lock him up!

April fools day is dumb and bad.

Literally all they need to do is get the stateside that didn’t create their own exchanges and/or expand Medicaid because rrrrrrrhate obama!!!! to do so, call it trumpcare, ask people if they are sick of winning yet.