
If I had read only the synopsis, I would have zero interest in the book. Maybe that’s my “old man yells at cloud” moment, but man..

The whole Arcana subplot was just dumb. Kabal is a human, so .. how did he get his powers? If he had an Arcana noone ever mentioned it, and you would think the god of thunder would have some choice words for a traitor to his world.
Also, the whole “did you see Kano down there” thing was just idiotic. Yes, of course

Blowing up isn’t as much fun as strapping a tunnel drilling machine (we have enough of those just sitting aorund) to a boat and just tearing it a new one.

I love Firefly. I love the series, I love the movies, I had some fun time with the pen & paper roleplay ... but I’m glad it ended when it did, because it always felt like the “Hands of Blue” would turn super campy and actually drag the story down into cheesey territory.
I don’t have many memories about the Buffy

To me the USA always felt like a country where anyone can sue anyone for the most miniscule things. It would be interesting to know why people can’t/ don’t sue the living hell out of youtube and all those copyright claimers (especially since from what it sounds like if someone claims a video they keep the money even

The Yrr send their regards.

Or, for me at least, “0 Things You Can Do in iOS 14 That You Couldn’t Do Before that I actually care about”
Maps? Thanks, got google maps.
Translation! Thanks, got google translator.
Me..ssenger?! Thanks, got [add a ton of non hardware specific apps]
New Emojis!! Stop embarassing yourself..

Don’t get me wrong, I own and

To be honest, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten “excited because Ridley Scott does something SciFi”.

I remember waiting for Starcraft back in the 90s, and it was worth it. I’m sure this one will be too so I don’t mind, but it will be interesting to see how many people will be angry again because patience is out of stock nowadays.

If I recall correctly, “blacklist” is a term originating from calling a “list of death” in an old english play that.
Saying “Words matter” and then attacking words outside of their etymological context just because they contain certain other words doesn’t really make sense to me.

As long as it doesn’t “just happen” but is an earned reversal of the deaths of loved ones etc. I think it could’ve worked pretty well.

Well, thanks for that spoiler I guess.

Is Twin Peaks a show you had to grow up with, or does it hold up?

“At Blizzards headquarters [...] a big piece of paper covered up the values “think globally” [..]”

So, is this actually worth it, or is this going to “save my battery” on my iPhone 8? (still on 12.3.1)

Well, time to build that Space Wall and get further funding for Space Force, to keep out the (cow) thieves and (anal probe) rapists!
Make Earth Great Again!..with protective MEGA structures and heavily armed astronauts.

Also, all of this is supposed to be a joke, and the fact that I feel like I have to say this is just

The headline actually made me laugh. I’m pretty sure they won’t sell them cheaper just because it costs less to produce them. If they are better, they will cost more. (I don’t mean that as an attack, it honestly just amused the hell out of me)

I wonder, have there been any serious infiltration attempts by professionals that are known?

That honestly sounds like it would’ve made the movie worse.
I don’t get why they can’t just grab some of the good Alien/ Predator comics, but always have to come up with their own, really bad stories.

$50 per gigabyte when using the station’s data downlink (yikes, you’ll want to limit the number of selfies you send to friends back down on Earth)