
@ttyymmnn: Yep. The main rotorblades do not react well when the tips break the sound barrier. The easy way to eek out a few more mph is to sweep the blade tip back(like all modern supersonic aircraft wings) as has been done on Blackhawks, Apaches, etc., but that has limits.

@gstatty: No doubt. I only took issue with the " atmosphere completely rips away... due to the global warmings and/or air pollution" part.

@gstatty: Dunno if you are being sarcastic, but nothing about global warming or air pollution would lead to our atmosphere being stripped away. Certainly chemicals like CFCs break down Ozone molecules, but the resultant O2 molecules remain in the atmosphere, they don't just fly off into space.

Somebody must have said this already, but I am not seeing it.

@MaWeiTao: He IS in a tin can being pelted with rocks. The real difference is that he is coming at the rocks instead of vice versa.

Yep, when you nuture a fervent fanbase, you also get fervent revolt when you don't deliver on their expectations and... you know...criticize and patronize said fanbase.

More specifically, this is at the Tate Britain.

Ms Park's blog entry for the lashes dates to 2008, and indicates the original work was from 2005...

Toyota MR2 Spyder

@Sam Smith: I wasn't saying he knows the President, but there is no denying that he has friends. I doubt Bill's story would have seen the light of day if you two had not been friends. Really not so different than putting your bud's name up for a job opening. Thats a connection and so is knowing a decent co-driver who

@maximum_sarge: You may be forgetting the countless hours of blood sweat and tears to get that BMW prepped, transported, and to the finishline...and the personal relationships and network that included a good navigator and Jalop editor. Besides, i don't beleive Jalopnik actually paid for Bill's trip to france. Maybe

@michael: Yea... "outside the oil business"; basically admitting he does not know anyone who has actually had to work on a well in any sense.

Maneuvering a few lights and cameras at depth is a bit different than capping a 20,000+ barrel/day oil well.

I'll agree that, as an info-graphic, it earns a "F" for failure to assign units to the axis labels.

With supercars come super responsibility...

Bisphenol A?

Monmouth, OR?

Seattle FTW. Actually cut commute time.

Aeropaint is just a highly viscous tinted oil used to visualize airflow. Very old tech. Its just not used in F1 a lot since it shows everyone else how air is flowing around your car too.