
@bmoreDLJ: The guide was started to encourage people to drive all over France to eat; thus using tires; thus buying more tires...

A few bullet holes in those highly exposed radiators will probably bring it to a halt right quick.

@lostarchitect: You actually don't want to ride a moto in Phoenix in the summer. Its like a blow dryer in the face. #qotd

Who's the bigger moron? The one who sits in a 4 car line for to fill on the "right" side? or the guy to observes that the fuel hose is plenty long enough to go over the car and fills up immediately? They both get the same gas but one pays with his money AND time.

Two words: Crush Structure

Really, just about anytime you are traveling faster than you can run, a helmet is in order.

Me thinks ppl are recouping stock losses by sending their cars up in flames and collecting insurance.