
Why is Chad dressed like John Mark Karr? WHAT IS CHAD’S DARK SECRET?!?!

Also Boston Terriers are so farty and gross.

Maybe it was for his “If you can read this, the bitch fell off” t-shirt.

I am so disappointed.

Hell, I’d want to know how she raised such an entitled and clueless person. In a similar vein, I’d love to ask Tom Hanks about Chet Haze.

Might just need to let that ship sail, bud.

That’s a pretty lame excuse. The preteen and teenage years are so full of hormones and angst, it’s fair to assume that any teenager is going through something even if they aren't talking about it.

So according to these comments ‘catching a dick’ isn't something to brag about because men will fuck anyone. This is not true. At all. And this idea really screwed up my self esteem in high school and college. I honestly thought I was the only woman on the planet who couldn’t get laid.

Just tell them they’re not that attractive and you don’t know who let them talk. Maybe if they were hotter you would listen to their opinions.

OT, but, the only thing I remember from that movie is that Bruce Wayne’s china pattern was the same as mine.

I’m actually so happy she gave a specific number for how much she weights. I know the number isn’t supposed to matter, and two people who weigh the same thing can look very different, but I feel like I’m constantly hearing about women who weigh 135 and want to lose 5 or 10 more lbs and it makes me sick. I just saw Amy

Cosigned - little kids are dumb as hell. The things I have pulled out of nostrils and ear canals......

Bitrex is the bitterest substance in the world

Tinder should be shut down! Before Tinder people were having responsible, protected sex with only one or less partners. Now it’s like an bonobo orgy every time I step out on the front porch. Something must be done!

So happy to read this! I honestly loved her first essay, and I can’t wait to read the most recent one (behind the chronicle’s pay wall right now). There are so few feminists out there arguing that young women should be empowered to make mistakes without seeing them as trauma, and I think Kipnis was incredibly

Shit-for-brains New Yorkers live in such a shithole, they project their shittiness onto others. Thus, the reply from notsomethingstructural.

I’ll endorse this. Fuck New Yorkers thinking that their idiocy applies anywhere else.

You know, I say this all the time but leveraging your fame for money does not make you a good businessperson. Jay-Z is a good business person, I believe that, but he relies a ton on leveraging himself and who he is in lieu of bringing anything actually interesting to market. That can work sometimes, sometimes people

You can’t be a feminist if you’ve read fashion mags before completing a womens’ studies curriculum at the graduate level. #obvi