
I know I'm old because I don't even care that I don't know what it means.

Or red.

I was in a cafe the other day, sitting in a window booth a few minutes before my shift. A guy told me from another table that I was sitting in a "favorite seat" and that I should look out the window to enjoy it (I had been checking the news on my phone). I thought he was upset that I was taking up a window seat to

Yeah. I remember going to middle school in Utah when they had JUST lifted the ban on all after-school clubs (a ban which was just there to prevent Gay/Straight Alliances from meeting on school premises) and when there was still a separate gay prom (it was unofficial and held in a restaurant or something) because gay

The ticket comes with a complimentary bottle of vodka stolen from Jake's dad's bar in the basement. He'll totally never notice/care.

How much money would you need to consider yourself set for life? I think I'd need $5-$10 mil to feel comfortable living off the interest.

Everybody is reporting this incorrectly. While it may be spoken as "James" it is spelled Yjaiymeise which is a collection of perfectly curated letters that are hand harvested from 100% biodynamic veganic fair trade locally sourced alphabets.

No lie, I dated a guy who said wearing my yoga pants in public was akin to cheating on him. (I live in the Bay Area, and he was only 29.) It did not last long.

No man dislikes yoga pants.

I am currently working in an office with a male coworker who is on the same level as me. Administratively, I am expected to take on more because he is not as competent. This means I do a majority of answering phones, dealing with clientele and duties that involve filing, database management and even creating

Yeah he's a good mediator.

Why does talking about god automatically deserve respect?

Two asses and four hooters...

Get out!! Need one, would wear it...hello Neo.

For all those saying things like "these people don't deserve to be parents" and "you never leave babies alone, never," please understand that those are extremely cultural-specific viewpoints. You're essentially damning most current (not just traditional, but also traditional) Nordic and Scandinavian parents. While

Fuck no. I say that as the guy who drinks hot coffee in summer and eats ice cream in the winter.

It's been 70 degrees in the Bay Area for the last few weeks. Spent the last weekend on the beach wishing I had brought ice cream in addition to the frosty beers.

False. Cookie Puss is the best cake ever, the end.

People aren't eating these cakes outside. I'm "checking my privilege" as I write this, but I do believe that most people with the means to acquire fancy store-bought deserts also are in the habit of heating their homes to a comfortable temperature.

It's 27 degrees out and I just made myself an ice cream sandwich (cookies 'n' cream on homemade warmed chocolate chip cookies; I'm basically Blake Lively). I am clearly their target audience and I embrace that.