Asia M

I’m a clinical social worker that works as a therapist in a community mental health agency that provides services in low-income, predominately Black and Latino/Hispanic neighborhoods. I work primarily with children aged 0-17.

You would think so, but that’s not always the case. I’m a social worker that works as a therapist in a community based agency. Usually we work out in the field but this entire time we’ve been working from home via Telehealth. Even though we are working from home we are still considered essential workers and will be

I’m a social worker who works as a therapist in LA County. There have been many times that families I work with call the police because a family member is expressing suicidal ideation or has been engaging in self-harm. The police go out, can’t do much, and end up having to call the PET team or transport the person to

Enforcing rules, consequences and boundaries is a good place to start.

Nobody believes this was spontaneous, right?

I feel awful about the baby dying and that Lisa and her husband have lost a child. I understand the desire to have a baby at home with as little intervention as possible, but at some point you have to be able to recognize that something is wrong and seek out professional help. Complications happen, and in those

As someone who has lived in the area my entire life and has chosen to work in the area as a social worker, it’s really not horrible. Of course the cities you mentioned have issues, but there is a lot of good within them too, specifically the people who live here. 

The teacher was wrong, point blank, period. You will have kids that do shitty and even deplorable things. That’s when you either call for the security officer, another teacher or some admin from the office. You DO NOT go ham on a student. I’m a teacher and I’ve been called names, I’ve had things know

Honestly, I have mixed feelings too. I don’t think the teacher is a horrible person who deserves to go to jail and have his life ruined, but I’m also just not ok with how he acted. I’m a social worker who works with adolescents and adults who say stuff like this to me every single day. I’ve been called a cunt,

That’s so not how you handle the problem.

I don’t know how you can see this video snippet, and think that the teacher is in the “right?” Maybe the school can be faulted for not having a set policy to deal with classroom disturbances—but to think that violence directed against a child is somehow acceptable—is hard to justify. There are photos showing moderate

I have to admit I have mixed feelings about this, and I appreciate your perspective. 

I live less than 2 miles from Maywood Academy, and it’s part of the larger community I grew up, and currently live in. I’m honestly really surprised by how divided people are on what this teacher did. I get where his supporters are coming from, but as a social worker working and living in this community, the teacher

Supposedly this is not the first time this teacher has thrown hands at a student. There’s video of him pretty much sucker punching a student from a different altercation. The guy clearly needs some kind of therapy or something if his instinct is to throw punches at kids.

Ever story I’ve read says he’s 14.

Short answer: No.

Making a lot of value judgements off of one snapshot in a child’s life. Where would you be if someone picked your worst teenage moment to decide your entire future?

I feel the same way. As soon as I read that he resells them at a markup I felt a bit of anger boil up inside me for all the sold out concerts I haven’t been able to go to because people buy all the tickets to resell at 3x the cost.

Mel is so fucking annoying. She’s the worst thing on the show.