Hillary Clinton was born in Nairobi. You heard it here, first.
Hillary Clinton was born in Nairobi. You heard it here, first.
Of course they didn’t. Most non-black/non-female people in this country don’t care about Black women by default. They just don’t. They don’t think of us, they don’t empathize with us, and they don’t care. That’s the default setting. They have to be made to care by Black women constantly proving our humanity on a case…
Oh my god, this! People who have never been poor do not understand how important it often is to present themselves as well as possible, to be the
“good” poor person who is clearly “trying.” If you can scrounge up the clothes and make yourself look presentable, maybe that job will hire you, or at the very least maybe…
I try to explain to my conservative uncle - divorces are a good thing.
If I had to wear corsets and high collars all day, couldn’t get an education, had to go to church all the time, and couldn’t do anything unless a man approved it, you can bet I’d be poisoning people left and right.
I love that weird bit of doublethink that runs through the religious right in the US. You are supposed to have this bizarre sort of 'communication' with God, wherein he affirms what you wanted to do anyway (at least, that is how it typically seems to work). But actually hearing voices makes you a nut. So God hasn't…
I think the problem is with expectations that are set for officers as well as poor training. It’s harder for cops to misbehave if they’re actually going to be held accountable. Even if a cop is an asshole, he’ll have to keep his asshole behavior in check on the job if he knows he’s going to be held accountable. So I…
The attitude is cool when used assertively and appropriately, like Nicki does. This isn’t some random rant about Papa John’s delivery, this is about standing up to a user and putting self-care and respect ahead of caving to pressure and curating an image of serenity. This is something a lot of women have trouble doing…
Sanger was a eugenicist, so it’s not like PP doesn’t have some questionable racial founding motives.
The best way to reduce abortion is to reduce poverty. The problem is the “pro-life” crowd keeps electing politician that want to cut assistance to the poor. So, the “pro-life” crowd actually helps to create the conditions that increase the likelihood that women will choose to have an abortion over giving birth. Of…
The whole #BlackGenocide (interestingly, both #BlackGenocide and #WhiteGenocide are used by racist white assholes) thing is so incredibly frustrating because it dehumanizes and demeans the actual people making the choice to get an abortion, who are the Black Women themselves. It’s the worst form of concern trolling.
And, later, it was the bloodiest frontline of the Cold War. It’s always a mistake to be born a woman of color near rich natural resources.
That’s just like me and my battle cry of “why are you whining about this and not taking your own *personal responsibility* instead of scapegoating immigrants/minorities and the government for your problems?”
My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:
God, I hate folks like that. They think that people raising the B/P fist are out to kill whites or something.
Especially when she finally goes “I’m not a love struck teenager anymore. I don’t have the energy or the desire to keep doing this and I’m leaving while I still have some physically good, functional years left.” Can you imagine staying until you had a medical crisis, then expecting Ozzy to step up to the plate? I…
I don’t know what your particular situation is but I’ll just say - it’s never easy, but getting away from an unhappy/abusive relationship or just an unsupportive partner is like breathing fresh air after years of being locked in an exhaust-filled garage. You didn’t even know how dense and dank that air had become…
And 25 years ago, in Texas, I didn’t have to listen to or read any such nonsense. I went in, got an abortion, went home. I missed 1 class.