Surrounded by assholes

One point of clarification: America did not end the slave trade, Britain did. And the emancipation proclamation was propaganda to avoid Britain from joining the South’s side. And the war was purely economical, the South had all the money n the North couldn’t let them leave.

Man, I wanna have that job. Readings for chumps...

Dude?! Relax with that shit...

I don’t see how New Orleans being built under sea level (not very wise when you’re on the coast) and refusing to do any maintenance on their crumbling barriers is the federal government’s fault...

But animals aren’t black! *Snicker*

That somehow managed to conquer the known world at least 3 times?! Some very effective cowards, I have to say..

You seem to be doing fine in that regard..

Reminds me of the three envelopes story from The Wire...

Much Ado about nothing..

What?! I see 2 “racist” comments & 2 telemarketer spam in the grays.. what the fuck are you talking about?! Making shit up only distracts from whatever point you may have had..

We got a real pot vs kettle issue going on here...

Arne got a lot of attention.. like a serious amount.. why didn’t you pay any?

Really?! You don’t remember Arne Duncan and all the drama/controversy?! Christ, like a goldfish you are...

Or u know they are rich n wanted to vote for the guy that would help them remain that way... But hey, stereotype people and then bitch when it happens to you.. You’re only human, being a hypocrite is in our nature..

How very liberal of you...

Your point doesn’t work. Flint is in Genesee County which is about​ 75% ‘white’. So my only conclusion is you’re full of shit and a bigot

Well, the rich did vote for him despite the bigoted overtones of his campaign and he has been coming through excellently for them. Just wait for the “tax reform” bullshit they are going to easily get through Congress, you’ll finally see why (or should, hopefully. Myopia may prevent ya..)

Vengeance will be yours, huh?

You may be a Democrat, but you certainly are no liberal

Re:Trump; Hillary dude, it’s always Hillary with him. Haven’t you been paying attention?!