Surrounded by assholes

Heart goes out to him, liked him since Sacramento... But I am a Bulls fan, so I hope he sits this one out (don’t want a sweep)

Know thy enemy, amirite?!

Sucks to be you, then

Well, the war was unconstitutional but still completely necessary...

Waiting for the obligatory Boondocks joke.. heck maybe someone will even embed the scene in their post.. fingers crossed

Sorry you feel bad for the rubes. Your life must be one constant state of distress over the morons of the world

Did you try to put your dick in an electric socket at 13yr old?! No, you didn’t you say? Cuz you’re not a fucking tard huh?!?

I particularly liked how everyone yelled at you for your “assumption” while they all just dallied in theirs as of it was a fact... Just cuz someone claims they don’t know something got there doesn’t mean they are telling the truth...

I got a whole “athletes’ opinions don’t matter, now listen to mine” vibe from it, were u the same?

Two things: Did you take this right from John Oliver and not give him props?

Lilith or not, the chick is hot!! I’d hate-fuck her...

The right balance of meat, cheese and bread...

I care. I care so much it hurts...

“Remember guys, I’m not gay! Just a pedophile.... It’s different..”

So no point in debating ever? Does any side ever listen to the other? Aren’t both so equally sure of themselves?

Ha! Facts. Good luck around here with those...

Meet Lyft’s newest passenger!!

I’m sorry, I wasn’t all that clear. I was referring to the lines bashing the College acceptance piece (which I agree with) and the Armed Services (indifferent on, seems good for a certain mindset), but no words about the trade program (which I think is the really good part, people need a trade and am sure we all

I’m from Bolingbrook and Mayor Claar is awesome (and a drunk), so fuck off kindly sir. Good day to you

I agree