Surrounded by assholes

I actually think this is a good idea. A HS diploma don’t mean shit in the real world...

I think that (accepting my bias) I’m a Bulls fan and will say with quite glee “Fuck Patrick Ewing”. Answer your query now?

Well I guess the only take away from this is: Thanks Russia for winning WW2 and preventing the world from having to speak German!

Well alright Chitown! In the news for something other than your skyrocketing murder rate! Way to go!!

Mmmmmm. Roasted goat, just like my gypsy aunt would make (see, I did it for ya!)

You know, I don’t really even know anymore.. i used to think I wasn’t a rube, but lately not so sure about it...

No, it wasn’t a “partisan issue” and I never made any claim as to such. You made an assumption that wasn’t grounded...

Thank the gods! Now can we get rid of Jalen please?!?

No you can not, because you are an actual liberal. Not just anti-GOP and sided against them (which seems to be a lot of these so-called “liberals” who like nothing more than laughing at the misfortune of others..)

Dude?! What the fuck did I tell you about using context on the fucking internet!!! Yes, all us informed people know that the Rio Grande bordertowns vote liberal, but the rubes are fucking stupid n can’t remember shit!

Really? That’s the best you got?! Keep slurping Ewing, so how far that gets ya...

It’s called a thesaurus dipshit, learn how to use one..

Mediocre is a synonym for decent, ya dipshit..

Ewing was coached by both Jeff and Pat, neither of which ever gave him an assistant coach gig. And Pat knows talent (I hate Miami, but Spo is a good coach).. so mayhaps there is something lacking in the man...

Problem is Skiles is a decent coach. Ewing, not so much...

In defense of Trent Dilfer: yeah, you’re probably right there...

God, I’d hate to be that guy that loses to the blind dude...

Flamethrower?!? FLAMETHROWER?!? Wow! I’m speechless...

And you should be ashamed of yourself! Bringing context into an internet situation, fucking savage...

Ah yes, the good ole “I won’t listen to the other side cuz I’m so correct” line of thinking. Very liberal of ya there..