Ashwin Mudigonda

@derilium: Dude, I am at work. I didn't surf porn. It was something on reddit. It's gone anyway, but I am back to zero!

I set up my simulation almost 3 weeks ago and 2 Mondays ago when I came in, I saw that my system had restarted :( Now, after almost 2 weeks of patiently waiting, I seemed to have caught the trojan that came through a jpeg exploit and had to restart AGAIN! What a way to /Friday.

@Buddha916: I was going to say the same!

@philosopher_dog: I shop at TJ's and Whole Food's and I avoid anyhting ambiguous as "cheese enzymes"

@ellemdee: Yup! That's one thing I don't touch. Also Red 40, if I remember right, has the extract of a beetle.

@orlo: I draw the line at death. Milk and honey are fine by me for now.

It's sad that most people don't realize that the cheese at their grocery store would technically be meat. Yeah! Rennet, the enzyme that transforms milk into cheese is harvested from the lining of a calf's stomach. That's why I need to search for "microbial rennet" on the label.

I don't know why people are breathlessly crowing about this. This is like the second guy who invented a wheel and is trying to get everyone's attention.

@hbuzzell: Thanks a lot dude. Last question - I saw the screen shield the Tmo rep had and I found that the screen was hazy and totally destroyed its beauty. Does Zagg affect the clarity of the screen?

@concrete ltd: I know that. But I want Tasker to determine when it should vibrate and when it shouldn't. For example, I would like it not to vibrate at nights. I have it setup for vibrate on notification, but not for this. I posted it on the Tasker forums too.

@hbuzzell: How do they perform? Any loss in touchiness of the screen? Do bubbles crop up when you apply the screen? How easy is it to remove it if you don't wan it and does it leave a sticky residue? Sorry for the barrage. I got a new phone and I am debating if I should get the Zagg or not. I hear the G2 has something

I am an Android noob, just cutting my teeth. I installed Tasker and found it be amazing (of course). I have a situation where I am trying to set a profile such that the phone does not vibrate when I get an SMS. I am using HandCent SMS app for SMS handling and I could not figure out how to turn off the vibrate when I

While we are it, here is an awesome tip that I learned from Reddit. If you accidentally used a permanent marker on a white board, fear not. Just write over it with a dry erase marker and then wipe the whole mess away! It works like a charm.

@greenhornetc13: Thanks. I assume you are aware of ChromeToPhone app and add on.

On Android, which is the quickest browser? Dolphin HD? What about

@se7a7n7: Make sure you set the amperage to at least 5A.

@Shadow-Lurker: For the longest time (about the last2 weeks since I

@comodidit: Aah! that's good to know. I do want a simple switch

@Shadow-Lurker: You are right about the GPS. But I was going off